Top Five Unknown Paraphilias

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According to, paraphilia is “a type of mental disorder characterized by a preference for or obsession with unusual sexual practices”.  The most known and mainstream paraphilias for example are Foot Fetishism which the individual is sexually attracted to feet and Asphyxiophilia which the person needs to strangle themselves to get a sexual high or thrill.

Of course with every paraphilia that slowly gets put into the spotlight, there are a few dozen that are still unknown. Think you know some of the paraphilias on this list? Then check them out.

Autovampirism tends to shows up during childhood. The individual will slowly develop some sort of a sexual appeal towards blood from getting scrapes or cuts. Later on, the person will learn how to actually open up major blood vessels such as the veins and the arteries to drink blood more directly. (

People with coprophilia get sexual pleasure from feces. Their excitement comes from either seeing someone defecate on a person, or they’re the ones who are doing the act upon someone and in very rare instances, having the person defecating on them. There’s very little scientific research behind people who have this type of paaraphilia since it is rare. (

With this type of paraphilia, according to Dr. Griffiths, he notes that typically males get a sexual pleasure from “watching women lactate, sucking on the women’s milk –filled breasts and or having intercourse with lactating women.” Lactophilia often associates with part of infantilism which an adult is aroused from playing the role as an adult baby.

Erotophonophilia is most common in serial killers. People with this type of paraphilia get a sexual thrill out of killing a human being. Along with homicide, mutilation of sexual organs and/or other acts of sexual behavior is involved as well. Erotophonophilia is also tied in with necrophilia.

Somnophilia, also known as the Sleeping Beauty Syndrome, is when a person gets sexually aroused by a sleeping person. According to, people get “aroused by the walking up a sleeping person, either through sensual caresses or otherwise.” Also by being next to a sleeping person, the individual could end up getting sexual urges as well. (

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