Ask DG #4

Need someone to talk to about your problems? Got an opinion that you want to share? Send in your responses to The DG Blog and DG will answer them.

Dear DG,
I'm thinking on whether or not i should dorm at my college or commute...I mean i have a car so getting there isn't a problem. But i also want a college experience living in the dorms. Got any advice? - Heath, AK

Dear Heath,
If you can afford staying in the dorm, then go for it. Normally students would dorm either because they don't have a car or they're far away from home. I also believe dorming will give you a full blown college experience as well. Good luck in school. –DG

 Dear DG,
 My friends think that it's a right that i come out to my room mate..i think otherwise. Got any advise? - Sam, AZ

Dear Sam,
Don't let your friends tell you what you have to do. Because its your life and they don't have a right to try and dictate you. At the end, it's really your choice as to whether or not you want to come out to your roommate. If you feel comfortable, then do it. If not, then don't do it. – DG

Dear DG,
I'm having trouble when it comes to tests. I study a lot and i have good study habits but when i do take the actual test, i get really nervous and i end up forgetting all the stuff i had to memorize. So far i failed two quizzes and my first big test is coming up in less than a week. Do you have any tips as to try and relax when it comes to taking a test?
- Henry, ID

Dear Henry,
Taking a test is intimating at times, but think of it as more like an assessment instead. The way you approach the test will influence on how well you do. Chew some gum or even bring a stress ball on your test day. Not only will it help you concentrate more, but also it'll help you relax. Good luck.
- DG

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