Beijing’s “It’s Not So Simple” is the Sound Track of the 90s.

Cover of Beijing's first EP album "It's Not So Simple" photo courtesy of Thomas Smith 

Even though this is their first EP album, the band Beijing sounds like they’ve been playing for years. Debuting back in late July, “It’s Not So Simple” brings back the influential 90s grudge/pop scene and puts it back into today’s sound.

Their first track, “Glitch” will fill your mind with the raw rough vocals of Eric Thornberg, as he belts out against the clashing of drums the screeching guitar riffs. “Hands in Front” has a danceable beat which goes well with the patterned drum beats and the smooth guitar sound. The slow melancholy rhythm of “Come Right Back” intensifies the raw vocals of a sad break up song. “New Beginning”, their last song, will keep you in a trance filled with a guitar solo that will keep you wanting more.

“It’s Not so Simple” is sold on ITunes for $3.96. To check out the tracks, go to to hear the album. 

*article published on the September 2011 issue of The Scribe
*article featured on in September 2011

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