Clarkson comes back to the music scene with “Stronger”

Kelly Clarkson’s fifth album, “Stronger, does have a good amount of musical foundation to make this CD good to listen to.

 Songs like “Dark Side” and “Honestly” are the best two tracks out of the whole album. With Clarkson’s signature high notes and emotionally filled lyrics, these two basically make up the whole concept of “Stronger”.

With the lyrics of “Everybody’s got a dark side/Do you love me/Can you love mine?” from “Dark Side” and “Judge me, love me/If you’re hating me do it honestly” from “Honestly”, it shows that Clarkson’s lyrical aspect of her music is starting to improve.

 Her other songs, “Standing in Front of You” and “Breaking Your Own Heart” has that country feel which adds to the different types of music Clarkson has put in this album.

“Mr. Know it All”, “What Doesn’t Kill You (Stronger)” and “I Forgive You” will keep fans listening through the whole album with their pop/rock qualities similar to the “Breakaway” era.

“Stronger does have a few flaws including “You Love Me” with it’s annoying repetitive lyric of “na-na-na not enough” and “Einstein” with a couple of lyrics that contains too much math lingo and tries too hard to make the concept a break up song, “Dumb plus dumb equals you.”

“Stronger” will keep Clarkson fans contempt with her pop/rock melodies as she comes back in the music spotlight for the fifth time around. 

*following article was published in the October 2011 issue of The Scribe
*following article was published in in October 2011

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