Ask DG #5

Need someone to talk to about your problems? Got an opinion that you want to share? Send in your responces to The DG Blog and DG will answer them. 

Dear DG,
I'm a high school Senior and I've started looking at colleges that I'm interested in. I have a whole bunch of colleges in mind but i don't know which ones i should apply to. I mean i don't know anything about choosing the right college and this whole college application process is overwhelming. I don't know what to do.
- Amy, IL

Dear Amy,
When choosing the right college, you have to keep a couple of things in mind. Do you want to dorm or commute? Do you want to be in a big class room or a small room fill with a couple of people? Would you want to be in a public or a private college? Also find a college that fits your preference. If you're the type to go out a lot and go to stores, theaters, restaurants etc. then find a college that's near the city. If you have money troubles then go with the college that offers more scholarships. Make sure the college you pick actually fits in what you want or expect in a college. Good luck.
- DG

Dear DG,
I'm thinking of transferring to another college since the tuition is getting too much for me to pay. When is it a good time to do a transfer?
- Tommy, IN

Dear Tommy,
The best time to transfer is during your freshmen and even sophomore year of college. Also, depending on what classes you took will also be a factor on whether or not you'll be able to do a transfer. Some core classes for your major will not always be transferable and therefore when you do go to your new college, you may end up taking the class all over again. Talk to your guidance counselor just to be sure if you can do a transfer or not.

Dear DG,
It seems like Facebook is forever doing layout changes on their website and it’s getting really annoying up to the point where it’s giving me reasons not to use Facebook anymore. What do you think about the new changes?
-Syd, VI

Dear Syd,
Honestly, I just don’t see the point of even doing layout changes at all. The more changes the company does, the more their customers are going to be confused and will have no interest in using the network. I understand if the website is doing an update to have better performance but to add useless features will not make the site better or popular.

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