“Strong” Ad Campaign Becomes an Understatement

With over 696,818 dislikes and still continuing, Rick Perry’s “Strong” Ad Campaign continues to receive negative responses from YouTube viewers. Social sites from Facebook to Tumblr have been bashing the running presidential candidate due to his campaign message.

“You don’t need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there’s something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can’t openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school,” states Rick Perry in the video.

JB, a college student from Cleveland State University, believes Perry had no right to voice his opinion based on the bible and thinks church and state should be separate.

“I think if that’s the basis for family values then he really needs to look at the bible because God said love thy neighbor and he’s not upholding the values,” said JB.

Even with the amount of parodies and negative views that has generated off of the Ad, Perry is still currently running for the 2012 presidential election.

*Published in dgotay.tumblr.com on December 2012

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