My Life as a Rainbow: Yes Gentlemen, I am Guy Friendly

Chapter 13:

For some reason, some guys have this fixed idea that lesbians hate men. They believe we're some ultra-hardcore feminist who will stop at nothing to take over the world and convert all women to lesbianism. Well, obviously I'm exaggerating a bit but nonetheless there are still some men out there who have a vendetta against rainbow chicks like me.

The truth is I don't see why some men are uncomfortable around lesbians. Just because we love women doesn't mean we're going to steal your girlfriend. I don't know if it's an ego thing but I think it's a bit stupid if you ask me. There's no reason to act weird around us. 

I have a couple of guy friends who respect me as a rainbow chica. These lesbophiles understand that we're not about chasing every girl down. Sure they ask questions that can be sill sometimes but at least they're taking the time to understand. 

Teresa, one of my best friends, is dating a guy name Hari. Hair is a really cool person. He knows that I'm a lesbian and yet he doesn't act weird or treat me any different. We both have a mutual relationship and we both equally respect each other just the same. There's no hostility towards each other and I think a relationship of that sort should be a case for every man and lesbian. 

Gentlemen, instead of trying to fight with us, why not come together and work with us? I know some of you need a wing man (or wing woman) to help you out with getting the ladies. Think about it for a second, what better way to successfully hook up with a chick than to have someone who actually knows about women? 

All I'm saying is lesbians and men do share something in common - their love for women. Instead of fearing us, why not team up with us? Do you know how many chicks we could hook up with if men and lesbians teamed together? The possibilities are endless. 

To all the men out there, if you come across a lesbian, think of it this way: that rainbow sister could definitely help you out in finding a hot chick. 

*following article was published on The Scribe newspaper on October of 2012

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