Shocking Moments of The Walking Dead Part 2

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With the third season finished, Walking Dead fans are excited for its season four premier later in October. Until then, check out some of the things that turned the show upside down in this list of shocking moments from The Walking Dead

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#8 The Death of Axel
Even though Axel wasn't one of the main characters of the group, he still left an impression with his goofy charm and h is failed attempted at flirting with Carol. Being the remaining prisoner that Rick didn't kill, he helped out the group as much as he could with clearing out the zombies from the prison. Of course, one bullet to the head immediately had Axel gone as the group didn't have time to mourn for him when the Governor came and attacked them in the prison. 

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode Photos
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#7 Milton's Death
Being the adviser to the Governor, their relationship grew from bad to worse as the Governor's trust for his friend was broken after Milton burned the zombies in the pit. He tried forcing Milton to kill Andrea as a test to see if he was still loyal to him. But when he refused, the Governor stabbed him in the gut, telling him that once he becomes a zombie, he will end up killing her. 

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#6 When Daryl Left the Group - Briefly 
When Daryl and his brother Merle reunited again, Rick and the group weren't too keen on the idea of having Merle come back into the picture. The situation became more intense as Rick gave an ultimatum for Daryl to choose between the group and his brother. But having his strong bond with Merle, Daryl automatically went with his brother. An episode later, Daryl came back after he realized how much he belonged in the group.

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode Photos
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#5 The Death of Merle
Merle had unfinished business to do with the Governor as he tried to get rid of him on his own. But his plan backfired as he got distracted by a walker, leaving him exposed to capture by the Governor and his men. After a brief fight, Merle refused to beg but the Governor didn't care much as he pulled the trigger on Merle. After Merle was zombified, Daryl was the one who had to put him down. 

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode Photos
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#4 Andrea's Death 
Andrea tried to play the role as the savior when she wanted to not only save Rick's group, but also the Governor and his town as well. But after she escaped Woodbury to try and warn Rick of the Governor's plan, the Governor caught Andrea and put her in the torture chamber. After Rick's group came to save her, it was too late as they found Andrea with a zombie bite form Milton. When Andrea killed herself, Rick and the others went to find the Governor. 

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode Photos
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#3 The Governor's Attack on the Prison
Throughout the second half of the season, the Governor attacked the prison a couple of times. Of course his motive was not only to get rid of Rick and his group; it was also to get Michonne as well. The Governor's vendetta against Michonne became extreme as he gunned down anybody and everybody that got in his way of capturing her. 

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#2 The Failed Attempts of Killing the Governor
Andrea had multiple chances of killing the psychopathic Governor while Merle's shot at the Governor was unsuccessful. If Andrea had followed Carol's advice of making love to him and killing him afterwards, the Governor would have been dead since episode 11. Of course, in the world of The Walking Dead, simple instructions don't always follow up well. 

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#1 Meeting Morgan Again
Back in season one, Rick was saved by Morgan and his son Duane. Later on, they went their separate ways as Rick promised him that he will keep in contact with him. Two seasons later, Rick meets Morgan again as he realizes a lot of things have changed in over a year and a half. According to Morgan, his failed attempted at killing his zombie wife cost him his son's life and he ended up killing them both. Morgan became a bit insane and out of touch with reality after that. When Rick offered to bring him to prison, Morgan declined saying that people will end up dying, being killed by bullets or teeth. 

*following article was published on The Scribe newspaper on April of 2013

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