Ask DG #2

Need someone to talk about your problems? Got an opinion that you want to share? Send in your responses  to The DG Blog and DG will answer them.

Dear DG,
Why did you make this blog? (No offence...) I mean I like the blog and I think it's cool but what made you do it?
-Just Wondering, NJ

Dear Just Wondering,
I decided to make this blog for a couple of reasons. I've been wanting to make one for a while now and I finally did. After writing for The Scribe (University of Bridgeport's school newspaper), I wanted to keep on writing articles since I love the fact that people not only get to read my work but also share their thoughts about it as well. Besides, it also looks good on my resume as an aspiring journalist. Anybody can do a blog though. If done right, blogs can be fun and interesting.
-Sincerely, DG

Dear DG,
 For the past couple of days I've been suffering from writer's block. I can't seem to think of anything interesting to write about since all my ideas have been too dumb or too boring for me. Do you have any advice on how to gain inspiration?
-Writer in Need of Help, NE

Dear Writer,
When I'm stuck or get writer's block, there are a couple of things I do to get over it. One, put off the task and get back to it later. You can go and listen to some music or read or just chill and clear your mind. By the time you get back to your writing, you'll be up and ready. Two, you can talk to someone who can help you gain some creative juices back into your head. Have a random conversation. Or just pour your heart out on any ideas you have and they'll help sort them out with you. Having writer's block is a pain and I do hope you find your muse. Good luck. -Sincerely, DG

Dear DG,
I was wondering, what made you decide to purse journalism as a career? Also, if you weren't studying as a journalist what would you be doing instead?
- Vic, ID

Dear Vic,
I decided to go into journalism because of a course I took back in high school. The class was called Media Communications and I loved it. I learned how to write for broadcasting and also learned how to do camera work. I got to meet and interview lots of interesting people and I even got nominated from Fox News for a piece I did on my high school's gun club. Not only that but I also love to write and I felt that with a journalism career, I can actually do what I love and call it my career. If I didn't purse journalism however, I would probably purse a degree in music since I’m really good at playing my guitar and would like to expand my musical abilities.
- DG

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