Lady Gaga’s new single “Born This Way”

Album cover of Lady Gaga's new single "Born This Way". Photo  courtesy of

Another fresh start to the New Year with inspirational anthems, Lady Gaga has come back into the music scene with a LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) anthem. While 2010 brought the smash hit of Katy Perry’s “Fireworks”, 2011 is the year for Lady Gaga’s number one billboard hit “Born This Way”.

The first single off of her third album Born This Way debut on ITunes, shot straight to number one in 23 different countries in less than five days – having one million downloads.

With all the hype from her performance in the 2011 Grammy Awards, fans and critics have received the single with mix reviews.

“Born This Way” deals with the notion of not being ashamed of one’s self and being proud of who you are. “Don’t hide yourself in regret/Just love yourself and you’re set/I’m on the right track baby/I was born this way.”

Lyrically, this song could have been a good inspirational ballad, but by adding the club beats to the melody it throws the song off a bit. The lyrics itself has its high and low moments as she tries to be clever with her word play, “Don’t be a drag – just be a queen.”

Even though this single is rising in popularity, Lady Gaga has delivered better hits than “Born This Way”. The anticipated May 23 release of her third album will satisfy her fans.

*Following article was published in the February 2011 issue of The Scribe
*Following article was featured in in October 2011

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