Homosexuality is Normal

People who are against the gay and lesbian community believe that homosexuality is not only against nature, it’s also abnormal. They believe that being gay is just simply a choice that is influenced by any environmental factors. However, there is a good amount of evidence that shows that not only homosexuality is normal but it’s also common as well. Even the American Psychiatric Association believes homosexuality is normal.

The DSM Says So
After 1973, the American Psychiatric Association took homosexuality out of the DSM book. Mental Health Professionals used to think homosexuality was a form of sexual deviancy and even further back in the 1950s, it was listed as a sociopath personality disturbance.

Homosexuality is not curable because it’s actually biological. A person is not “taught” to be straight or gay. In fact, humans are not the only species that displays homosexual behavior.

Homosexuality in Animals
Species that exhibit homosexual behavior include swans, penguins, pigeons, vultures, dolphins, bison, apes, elephants, giraffes, lions, sheeps, lizards, dragonflies and many more. If homosexuality is deemed as abnormal then are these animals considered not normal as well?

By showing that many species that are capable of displaying homosexual behavior, it raises awareness as to the origin of one’s sexual preference. If being gay is not a choice, then it has to be biological.

Studies have shown that hormones play an important part in human genetics. Check out the video below for further details.

*Following article featured in dgotay.tumblr.com on October 2011

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