Dormitories Should Decrease the Duration of Quiet Hours

For students, quiet hours are supposed to help in studying for tests or doing homework assignments. It gives you an opportunity to wind down after a long day of classes. For others, quiet hours are another way to be fined for making even the tiniest of noises. With limited time to spend with friends, some students have a hard time dealing with the rule.

Most residential students believe that quiet hours are just another set of rules that have to be followed. (Typical quiet hours are from 10 p.m. until 8 a.m. on the weekdays and 11 p.m. to 10 a.m. on the weekends.) By learning how to follow regulations earlier on, it will be easier to follow any rule when out in the real world. However, some rules are meant to be broken.

Students are always getting in trouble for accidently slamming doors and the high level of noise, which may conclude in the entire floor being fined. Not only could students play unnecessary fine but also why would anyone want to try to make people follow a rule that can be easily broken? This goes back to the classic “Red Button” Theory: Tell someone not to press the red button and they end up doing it anyway. The same thing applies to the quiet hours: Tell someone to quiet down and they end up being louder.

Many students complain about the lack of sleep they get from all the screaming and running around from the hallways. Some class men advised that if people want to hang out, they should do so at club meetings and other social gatherings. Not only can you hang out as much as you want, people can do so without causing any sort of disturbance.

Quiet hours are all about studying for tests and quizzes. It’s also the best time to do homework/and or any projects. Not everyone does their studying or homework during those quiet hours. In fact when finishing off a long day at school, most people would much rather crash in their beds, instead of hitting the books.

Students who want to study should not feel limited to their rooms. There are tons of different ideal study-locations on campus. Study in the library-not only is it quiet, but there is a café at your convenience. More options include, going to the park and finding a quiet and comfortable spot, and participating in a study group at another building.

The reason why students have quiet hours is because during the day, it is hard to concentrate on assignments if there are other classes or club meetings that need to be attended. But of course, everyone has their own study habits and study hours.

*following article was published in the 2010 issue of The Scribe
*following article was featured in on August 2011

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