What Grinds My Gears About Parties

When it comes to parties, not everything goes well for the partiers. These people had a lot to say about what grinds their gears when it comes to partying.

"The fact that i hate to pay money to party and it gets shut down because of people fighting,"
-Mabelle Nkansah, freshman

"When they only play one type of music,"
-Shanice Drakes, sophmore

"When it's fights breaking out and the ratio to guys and girls is very bad and when guys just stand against the wall,"
- Sarah Clark, freshman

"People pushing. Repeating the same songs,"

"When someone takes a picture, don't randomly jump in if you're not part of the group,"

"People that don't know how to dress properly for parties,"

"The boys who can't dance and are very shy,"
-Jennifer Hillman, junior

"When DJs talk while playing the music,"
-Neely Neverson, freshman

"When parties get shot down by idiotic boys who want to fight,"
-Chelly Dee, freshman

"Parties that are so crowed you can't walk through,"

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